These Video Game Skills SUCK!

1. Dragonball Z: Sagas - Flying

These Skills Suck
Avalanche Software

Who wouldn't want the ability to fly, right? I mean imagine how useful it would be under any given circumstances! Stuck waiting for the train, just coast on home on wings of golden smugness. Attacked by a bear? Well, see you later chump because I'm taking to the skies! Awkward run in with your ex-wife who demands you pay child support? Goodbye Kate, give my love to the little ones as I'm outta here.

God I wish I could fly.

And we've got some pretty decent examples of its uses in the Dragon Ball franchise, where nearly every character can take to the skies, cutting travel time in half and also allowing them to engage in spectacular aerial brawls. And for the most part the video games based on said spikey haired saiyan have been equally impressive in how they display and utilise flying, all except for Dragon Ball Z Sagas.

Oh my god this absolutely Yamcha'd the entire concept of flying for fun, and they did it in the two most stupid ways possible.

1) They made it so that you can only fly as high as you were when you started the animation, so if you pressed the fly button at the top of your jump that was as high as you could go. No deviation up or down just a straight horizontal plane, which made collecting the Z coins a right !*$% yank when you could very easily jump up, fly and STILL not be the right height to grab the coin.


This was less Super Saiyan and more Kick to the dragon balls, if you know what I'm saying.

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