Titanfall 2: 10 Key Things It Needs To Get Right

9. Differentiate Campaign Gameplay From Multiplayer Gameplay

Titanfall 2

It's not enough to label something as a campaign, either. Titanfall 2's single player component needs to feel like a campaign not just on the story front, but also on the gameplay front.

We don't need another multiplayer match with bots, instead we should get objectives that progress the story and gameplay. Titanfall took place on open multiplayer maps, it would be a breath of fresh air to have a shootout in a tight corridor. Things need to feel different, yet the same - take that corridor gun fight and add wall-running over the heads of dozens of spectres, or just something that takes advantage of Titanfall's gameplay mechanics in situations with far more spectacle.

We know the guys at Respawn are capable of it, they gave us one of the best moments in video game history during the mission Shock and Awe in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. So, gather up that same magic and deliver just one more truly amazing campaign.

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Just a gamer with an unhealthy addiction to achievements, fantasy booking WWE events and watching 90's teen comedies.