Titanfall 2: 10 Key Things It Needs To Get Right

8. Keep The Black Market Microtransaction Free

Titanfall 2

First person shooters have all recently been falling into the trend of having some sort of "market" in their games to get rewards, guns, power-ups etc. Titanfall was one of them to do this as well, although not at first, as the Black Market was introduced much later down the road with a title update. The Black Market in Titanfall worked perfectly. You would get credits from completing matches and challenges and you could turn around and spend the credits on card packs to help you during play, emblems or Titan OS voices.

Right now this type of market is present in Call of Duty Black Ops III and Halo 5, however microtransactions play a huge role in them. This comes as no surprise as the markets aren't game breaking and don't give the player an advantage over others and just give out cosmetic items - except in Halo 5 but that's a whole other story. It should be expected for this Black Market to return in Titanfall 2 if the burn card mechanic is still instituted, which it should be.

Microstransactions always seem like they are unwarranted, especially in a full price game. It just makes it seem like the developer is trying to milk money out of the customers. Would it hurt to have the Black Market run with microtransactions but also give players the ability to access it without? No. But with how important burn cards are in the Titanfall gameplay, it would be refreshing to know that if you ran out there isn't a pay wall in front of you to get more. Keeping it microtransaction free will make it feel like part of the game and not something that was thrown in simply to take the money from your pockets.

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Just a gamer with an unhealthy addiction to achievements, fantasy booking WWE events and watching 90's teen comedies.