Top 10 Skyrim Quests

8. The Black Star

After uncovering the Shrine of Azura this quest activates when you speak to the mage Aranea Lenith who worships there. She involves you in an ancient prophecy regarding the Black Star; a soul gem that never breaks regardless of how many times it€™s used. After an ensuing chain of events culminating in a challenging battle with the soul currently inhabiting the Black Star, you€™re given the option to have it take white or black souls. The latter is clearly the correct option though, as killing a simple bandit will net you a grand soul, making your enchantments twice as powerful. This is a clear game changer; in fact it can potentially overpower your character early on, meaning you€™ll spend much less time spamming 'Healing' behind a rock, much more time cleaning Dragon hide off your boot.

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.