Top 15 Robots In Video Games


The Portal games have shown us all what is possible with gaming innovation. The series of mind-bending test chambers have shown us how to €˜think in portals€™, but this wouldn€™t have been half as fun without GLaDOS, the star of the show. One of only two characters in Value€™s original puzzler, she€™s the robot AI who guides (and hinders) the player through the game. Her full name is Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System, and she is tasked with testing and maintenance at the ill-fated Aperture Science research facility. The problem for the player is that GLaDOS doesn€™t value human life as much as you might want and it appears that she has full control of everything. She coaxes the player with promises of cake and lies about Chell being adopted or an orphan. This is all topped of with her graceful robo-voice singing a delightful song during the games closing credits.
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