Top 20 PlayStation 2 Games Of All Time

11. Tiger Woods 2004-2005

The year 2004 in my opinion was a golden year for sports gaming. For whatever reason, graphics were just real enough and physics engines just smart enough to combine for a thoroughly enjoyable-without-being-too-simulated-y experience. The years following moved to what creators thought were more realistic graphics, but to me they looked better in 2004. Tiger woods in 04 and 05 managed to stay more or less the same, with 05 being just an improvement on 04 and not turning into something different. The gameplay was just hard enough to make it a challenge, but easy enough to keep it fun. The courses looked great and the control scheme wasn€™t too complicated. Playin against all your friends was the highlight, especially if they had their guy on a memory card (remember those?).

10. Splinter Cell

Everyone thinks ninjas are cool. Ninjas that work for the CIA and carry James Bond gadgets and guns are even cooler. Sam Fisher is one of those characters with a perfect voice behind him, thanks to Michael Ironside. Splinter Cell allowed us to take a break from the run-n-gun Hollywood shoot-em up games and put the emphasis on NOT shooting anyone. Any game that can inspire college kids to stalk around campus, hanging from ledges, getting on rooftops, and hiding in trees as people walk under them is a keeper. Not saying I did those things. Not saying I didn€™t. What I did do was enjoy the heck out of splinter cell, and all of its sequels.
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