Twin Breaker: A Sacred Symbols Adventure Review

There Is More to This Game Than Breaking Bricks

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Lillymo Games

Twin Breaker has more than it's a fair share of modes for a game as humble as a brick breaker.

There is a real sense that value was prioritised as there are 7 Unique Game Modes to choose from. Of course, the meat of the game is the story mode, which has 40 unique levels for players to smash their way through.

If that wasn't enough, there is even a New Game Plus.

Other modes consist of Marathon, which will task the player to bouncer their way through the entire game in one run, Pong Mode, which repurposes what Twin Breaker has for a classic fight against bosses, and Random Mode, which throws various gameplay elements together, and I can't praise it enough.

Shooter Mode takes the power-up of the same name and launches wave upon wave of bricks for Greetings and Salutations to shoot out of space before they reach the danger zone, Catcher Mode is very similar to this, but instead of shooting bricks the goal is to catch coins and final Boss Rush Mode does practically what you think it would.

Twin Breaker Modes
Lillymo Games

All in all, Twin Breaker has a wide variety of modes to pick from and each will add a welcomed spin to the already perfected formula.

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Twin Breaker
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Resident Evil Aficionado. Video Games & Fried Chicken are my passions. Occasionally some Wrestling. I used to work in Film & TV, but now I Write, Edit & Present for this website and its Youtube Channels.