1. Phoenix - Dark Phoenix Rising (a.k.a. "I Can't Control It!)
Could there be anything else? I've never seen one character completely change the way a battle is fought. This hyper costs five bars and only activates once the very fragile Phoenix is killed. The screen bursts into flames and the Ring girl basically explodes out telling you to die - I was foreshadowing in case you didn't notice. Not only that, but she constantly roars with "booms" and "mines" as if she was trying to kill you with her voice, but I digress. The
possibility of seeing Dark Phoenix has forced people to come up with crazy anti-Phoenix technology with one of the most popular ones being
running away the entire match. That is how scary she is and that was only in Marvel Vs. Capcom 3. In Ultimate, Capcom decided to nerf her, give people the ability to steal meter, and introduce a handful of characters who scream anti-Phoenix. Little did they know, she screamed back. Dark Phoenix is still a problem people avoid like the plague, because once infected with it, victims can only believe in the heart of the cards to pull out the right move or succumb with it as she taunts you with promises of destruction. Obviously scary moves differ from person to person, but take what you will from this article. Now time to turn on my PS3 and read the hate mail I get from playing Phoenix - it humors me. For anyone curious, I play combinations of Trish, Hawkeye, Dormammu, Taskmaster, and Phoenix (I know I know). My main is Trish though as I'm a sucker for trap characters. So, do you agree with my list?