Uncharted 4: 10 Awesome Fan Theories You Need To Know

10. Francis Drake Returns

If rumours are to be believed, Francis Drake may be making an appearance Uncharted 4: A Thief€™s End. Throughout the series, Nathan€™s famous ancestor has always played a background role, with events of the first and third game mostly a result of the sailor€™s adventures around the world. Well this time fans are suggesting that Francis Drake will play an active part in Uncharted 4. Speculation is suggesting that because he sailed around Madagascar and the Cape of Good Hope on his return to Portsmouth, there€™s some way in which he€™s connected to the area that has been witnessed in the teaser trailers. Perhaps he landed on the island and started its infamous connection to the world of piracy. Most rumours seem to suggest that the game will have Francis Drake as a playable character in a flashback scene, likely building further upon the flashback elements that were employed in Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception. Unfortunately, the time periods of everything else on this list and Francis Drake are some way apart, so how they€™ll connect is still a mystery. However, knowing how the famous sailor has had an influence on other things before now, it€™s hard to imagine a few hundred years will stop the writers making him appear somehow.
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