Uncharted 4: 10 Essential Things That Must Happen

2. More Opportunities To Create Your Own 'Drake Moments'

This is the main appeal of the series and the reason you'll go back time and time again - that aspect of just making it through, breaking a sweat as your heart pounds - only for Drake to utter something like "Man, that almost got me!" at the exact time you're thinking it. Naughty Dog always do a phenomenal job of humanising their characters like no other, and as much as it's you who's piloting Drake's frame through any number of set-pieces and harrowing situations, there's an element that you're embodying an entire character through his own adventure. If you happen to enact something like diving out the way of an explosion only to roll with a punch, knocking out another attacker before delving behind a corner and wall-killing a pursuer - the moment the adrenaline wears off and you're back to exploration is when it all snaps back into place and you realise what you just pulled off. The majority of the new playthrough didn't feature a whole lot that hadn't been done before aside from the rope-swing knockout-punch, but with so much verticality on display across a series of surfaces that can act as islands to jump between, even through this early showing of footage it's easy to imagine a laundry list of approaches you could utilise.
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Uncharted 4
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