Uncharted 4: 10 Essential Things That Must Happen

1. Make It Essential To The Franchise

Depending on your own views on annualised franchises and that idea of a game developer creating one perfect game engine only to then iterate off its core appeal on a regular basis, you may have zero problem revisiting the Uncharted gameplay engine just for the sake of another adventure. That was very much the case with the fourth Indiana Jones flick, as neither Harrison Ford nor Spielberg and co. could resist another crack of that signature whip, so much so that the end product turned into a box-ticking exercise of what to include, with none of the character or charisma needed to make it feel essential. Uncharted 3 played with the idea of longtime friend Sully finally biting the big one, only to bring him back and do the whole 'it was all a dream'-shtick - although to be honest, can you say you weren't glad? It's Victor 'Goddamn' Sullivan, the man is just as much a part of an Uncharted flick as Drake and his 'Oh crap!' soundbites. Overindulgence and a lack of something being essential is very much something you can see in everything from the announcements of new Terminator and Jurassic Park movies through to next year's Assassin's Creed getting an announcement even though Unity is still a hot mess. It'd be too easy to revisit the characters and sensibilities of Uncharted just for the sake of it. Drake deserves far better, and with any luck Neil Druckmann and the team at Naughty Dog will deliver on those expectations, creating something that'll remain meaningful and memorable for years to come. What do you need from a new Uncharted game? Let us know in the comments!
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