Uncharted 4: 10 Essential Things That Must Happen

4. Branching Level Paths

As mentioned throughout, one of the best things about the Uncharted series has always been that idea of being given a certain environment or smattering of enemies, and then cutting through them in your unique way, safe in the knowledge that when you're trading stories with friends or on forums, no two ways of progressing through an encounter will be the same. At a couple of key points in the newest Playstation Experience demo there seemed to be a defined path to traverse down - i.e. a boxed-in canyon with a path through the middle - only for whoever was controlling Drake to start climbing up the side of one of the walls, progressing out over the top and beyond. Even the new Zelda is embracing the idea of an open-world design to breathe new life into an older system of gameplay mechanics, and by opening up and expanding these easy-to-grasp aspects of platforming, it opens up a plethora of potential as for how to progress towards your goal.
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Uncharted 4
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