Uncharted 4: 10 Things That Need To Happen

8. Fan-Service Is Kept To A Minimum

What do Star Wars: Battlefront, Mass Effect 3: Citadel and Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe all have in common? Besides each making a gazillion dollars, all three have been widely lambasted for offering excessive dollops of fan-service. Uncharted 4 runs the risk of succumbing to this, too. Naughty Dog have been suspiciously tight-lipped about the fate of several key characters; Chloe "dat ass" Frazer, Charlie Cutter and even the supposedly deceased Eddy Raja, who fans clamour for time and time again. If none of these characters are making an appearance in A Thief's End, wouldn't Naughty Dog just come out and say it, rather than leading people on? A Thief's End is introducing several brand new characters, and a new life for Nathan Drake. The game should focus on these aspects in order to make it feel fresh, new and exciting. The occasional easter-egg and referential line of dialogue is ok - after all, you have to give the fans something - but don't shoehorn people into the plot just to appease the masses.

WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.