Uncharted: 5 Directions The Potential Film Could Take

2. A Completely Original Tale

Uncharted Movie Nathan Fillion
Naughty Dog

Another risky choice, following a completely original story, with all but the main characters and rough story beats still intact, may be the best option for a film 'adaptation', as it would certainly be new-comer friendly and would also have the added benefit of having very little chance of ruining fans' favourite moments from the games.

This may seem similar to the previous entry, but the difference between this and the 'Tomb Raider approach' is that while Tomb Raider borrows many elements from the plot of the games, an original story would be as the name suggests, original. I'm not saying we rid the movie of all the elements that made the games great: the over-the-top set pieces, the often mystical artefacts and, of course, the characters; but rather frame them in a unique way that hasn't been done before, similar to the basic plot established in Ungar's short fan film.

Although risky, using an original plot certainly brings many benefits to the table, and would avoid the aforementioned problem of Drake's age, allowing him to be cast as the studio deems fit, rather than what the plot requires.

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Lover of film and comics, and (according to a comment on this very website) a pulsating sack of worthless nothing!