Uncharted: 5 Directions The Potential Film Could Take

1. Uncharted 4 Sequel

Uncharted Movie Nathan Fillion
Naughty Dog

Despite the contradicting nature of following up game titled "A Thief's End", seeing an older, more experienced Nathan Drake would most definitely fit with Nathan Fillion's age and appearance, giving the actor a lot more material to draw from, making the potential for a great performance more likely.

Yet, as mentioned above, following up Drake's finale would defeat the purpose of the ending of the fourth game and may come across as a shameless cash grab, much like if Naughty Dog were to release an Uncharted 5 starring Nathan Drake (as a game featuring a new protagonist would at least be somewhat different).

On the other hand though, if done right, seeing Nathan Fillion as a veteran adventurer would be extremely satisfying, as again evidenced by Ungar's wonderful film, in which the character clearly has his history intact.

Which route would you prefer, or do you have any suggestions of your own? Leave a comment below to let us know.

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Lover of film and comics, and (according to a comment on this very website) a pulsating sack of worthless nothing!