The Walking Dead Game: 10 Horrific Things The Developers Made Us Do (So Far)

9. Killing Larry

Don€™t get us wrong, we think Larry is an absolutely despicable, judgemental human being. He left us to die at the climax of episode one and has generally throughout the opening two episodes been a thorn in the player€™s backside. However did he deserve to go in such a horrific manner? The scenario is that Larry - who throughout the game has had serious heart problems - has passed out whilst a few members of the gang including Lee and Clementine are locked in a small room with him. Kenny argues that Larry has had a heart attack and died, so they should destroy the brain to make sure he doesn€™t come back as a Walker. Lilly on the other hand disagrees and argues that her father isn€™t dead yet. It is never revealed to the player if Larry was indeed dead but his fate is scripted and he will always bow out at the climax of this scene. The death itself is a truly brutal and gory moment, heightened all the more if the player decides to side with Lilly and attempt to revive Larry as Kenny acts alone and crushes his head with a large blunt object. While ultimately this scene will always end the same way it is the player€™s relationship with Kenny and Lilly that is truly tried and tested by this choice.

I'm the sort of person who gets a job as a bike salesman despite the fact I can't ride a bike..... true story. Currently on a Gap Year before studying Media Production at Bournemouth University. Random fact: My kitchen door sounds like R2-D2! Check out my Facebook group: