The Walking Dead Game Season 2: 5 Reasons Why It's Still Great

4. It Gave Us A New Environment And Didn't Linger On The Past

As the ending credits rolled on Season 1, Clementine was alone in some desolate landscape, drawn towards two figures in the distance. A theme of the first season always seemed to be that the characters would always keep moving forward, with one location rarely featuring for more than one episode. Beginning in Atlanta and ending in Savanna, we don't even know where we are anymore, having been thrown unconsciously down a ravine (this is after being 16 months walk away from the all too familiar pitstop from 400 Days) before arriving at a house we got to whilst Clementine was experiencing a hallucination of sorts. In short, we are one familiar character amongst other completely new characters and environments, which gives a fresh new perspective to this season while continuing the storyline and our emotional attachment to Clementine and the situations beholding her.


Nerd. Not much else to say on that front. Television, film, comic book and general useless trivia enthusiast. Maybe you'll find me funny.