The Walking Dead Season 2: 5 Saddest Death Scenes So Far

4. Larry

Larry is a confrontational hard-ass no matter how you slice it, but he only behaved that way because he was overly protective of his daughter Lilly. It€™s assuredly a natural personality of a father with a young adult daughter amidst a zombie apocalypse. Still, he didn€™t deserve to die though, despite how rude he responds even when you€™re kind to him, and the moment comes with a typical emotional punch: You have to remember that Kenny is also a father too and has a wife, and if you die in The Walking Dead, you€™re getting reanimated as a zombie whether you were bitten or not, so in his position it is understandable why he decided to crush Larry€™s entire head with a block. You can perhaps argue that Larry wasn't technically dead, but the group wasn't in the strongest of positions at the time to rationally talk everything out. Kenny is justified in murder, but seeing it go down for the first time truly upped the ante on the kind of experience Telltale was delivering - no character was safe and could seemingly be killed at any second.

I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.