Warhammer 9th Edition: Everything You Need To Know

1. Perils Of The Warp Is Extra Fun

The rule changes to Perils of the warp are both upsetting and hilarious at the same time.

Previously when someone would fail a psychic test on a double one or a double six, they would then suffer a peril of the warp and take D3 mortal wounds. However, on a double six the power would still go off.

This is no longer the case, if your psyker overloads their brain with psychic energy then tough luck, they are going to take a nasty headache and that is it.

Further to this, if they accidently kill themselves when their headache gets too much they explode.

Their brain will be so stuffed with psychic powers it explodes and causes D3 mortal wounds to anything within 6 inches.

This will cause both yourself and your enemy to consider whether they really need that power to go off or not. Perils of the warp is not the way to get to the head of an army after all.


Hailing from Sunny Wales, Joe has a disposition similar to the weather of his country. Grim... and... dark. This has lended well to his obsession with all things grimdark in the 41st Millennium. Willing to fight and die for the Emperor and Dorn, Joe will crusade his way through all of the Black Library and beyond.