Warhammer 9th Edition: Everything You Need To Know
4. Command Point Allocation
9th edition has given a more level playing field in terms of possibly the most valuable asset in the game, Command Points.
Command points give you access to some of the most powerful abilities your army has to offer, but in 8th edition it was a much more limited and tied to your ability to fill out as many detachments as possible. 9th edition has had a U turn on this and it is more preferable to fill out as few as possible.
Command points are now tied to mission size and everyone starts with the same amount. You then spend them on detachments, relics and other things within your army.
This approach is much fairer. The more elite armies in the game will finally be able to play with a surplus of Command Points and try out their fancy rules.
It could be argued this hurts horde armies like Orks or Imperial Guard, but it would seem reasonable to assume that Games Workshop will address this in their codex.