Watch Dogs: 10 Reasons It Might Disappoint

2. Hack The DLC Gates

Watch Dogs Preorder I'm just gonna come out and say it: I really hate DLC. I understand why it's done (the almighty dollar, of course), but it really, really infuriates me when content is purposefully shaved off the game and shoved behind pre-orders and downloadable content for extra charges. Will the DLC of Watch Dogs be disk-locked content that could easily have been included? It's done quite commonly these days, and a quick scan of the interwebs reveals that Watch Dogs preorders get THREE extra missions just for this purpose. Is that fair? Why should those who don't buy the game straight away be punished by having content filtered out of the experience? Maybe it's just the nostalgic in me, but I long for the days when we got everything on the disk we paid for. If you're buying this next-gen, you can expect to pay a pretty penny for Watch Dogs and all of its DLC content.

Dan Curtis is approximately one-half videogame knowledge, and the other half inexplicable Geordie accent. He's also one quarter of the Factory Sealed Retro Gaming podcast.