Watch Dogs: 16 Easter Eggs, References & In Jokes You Must See

8. A Familiar Job Title

We already knew ahead of the release of Watch Dogs that Ubisoft were at least tentatively tying their Chicago to the wider Ubiverse of their other games, thanks to the Easter Eggs hidden in the last Assassin's Creed game and the implied tied narrative that linked the game universes together through the presence of Blume. It's hard to tell whether Ubisoft are really keen to suggest that the two games are inherently linked, or if they're merely being their usual reference loving selves with no substance to the Easter Eggs, since we've seen competing messages on their agenda in hiding references in each game, but the similarities are difficult to resist. That counts doubly when the developers have chosen to hide NPCs in Watch Dogs whose biographies list them as former Abstergo employees. That's not the only Abstergo reference in the game either since it looks very much like Clara Lillie's chest tattoo uses the company's logo as a repeated design motif...

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