Watch Dogs 2: 10 Massive Improvements Over The First Game

7. Less Repetitive Missions

Watch Dogs 2

The original Watch Dogs was a tiring exercise of lather, rinse, set up a blockade, repeat. Arranging ambushes for convoys and patrol groups was fun enough, and there were some nice Far Cry 3-style outpost missions on offer, but everything became repetitive very quickly, and there were far too many chase missions for a game in which driving was not a major selling point.

Watch Dogs 2 adds variety to its missions types, by subverting expectations and mixing up hacking sequences, drone flying, combat, stealth, infiltration, surveillance, and scouting in ways that feel fresh.

It actually seems like combat has been weakened, in order to encourage stealth and hacking over brutality. Most levels are designed for multiple paths and points of entry, and some can be completed entirely via drones, meaning Marcus doesn't even have to get his skinny jeans dirty in order to raise some hell.


Liam is a writer and cranberry juice drinker from Lincolnshire. When he's not wearing his eyes away in front of a computer, he plays the melodica for a semi wrestling-themed folk-punk band called School Trips.