Watch Dogs 2: 11 New Gameplay Features You Need To Know About

8. You'll Have Access To Drones & Robots

watch dogs 2

One of the things WD1 actually got very right, was scoping out any given area by hopping between CCTV cameras and getting a lay of the land, marking potential targets as you went. It ended up making you feel like a stealth-whizz badass, having a presence in multiple rooms at once, creating distractions and lures before striking when the opportunity presented itself.

For WD2, Marcus will have access to a number of different drones, which will then be able to pull off various abilities, all the while seeing you not leave the safety of cover. One of which is a land-based, two-wheeled... thing, that can be driven around, unlocking security panels and scouting ahead.

Ubisoft love to share assets between their games, and this function already debuted in Splinter Cell: Blacklist. Like that game you'll be able to shoot enemies with what looks to be an electric/de-habilitating dart, perfect for thinning the ranks even after an alert has been triggered.

Thankfully, if the drone goes down or gets lost, you can craft another in an instant, which although admittedly very 'video gamey' a feature, is great to hear when it comes to actual gameplay.

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