Watch Dogs 2: 11 New Gameplay Features You Need To Know About

9. All-New 'Thunderball' Weapon & Levels Of Takedown

watch dogs thunderball

To compliment Marcus' abilities as an activist hacker without making him a murdering psychopath, he now has different 'levels' of taking people down. For the most part you'll be utilising a weapon he calls the 'Thunderball', which honestly looks like a tennis ball in a sock - but I'm sure it'll be more badass in time.

Chokeholds and non-lethal takedowns are the norm now, too, which contrasts nicely with Pierce, who would bash anybody and their granny's brains in, if given the chance.

There are many elements inside WD2 that show Ubi trying to give the game a far lighter tone, which if they get right, should help erase the original from our collective memories.

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