Watch Dogs 2 Review: 7 Ups & 6 Downs
4. The Gadgets Are Insane
A huge part of WD2's appeal is the sheer insane array of gadgets and abilities you can obtain. The two most notable gadgets are the Jumper, an RC car which can use vent openings to infiltrate buildings, and the Gyrocopter, which is excellent for reaching more far-flung areas. If you're going stealthy, they're absolutely invaluable.
Then there's the upgrades, which are unlocked by using research points awarded at the end of every mission. These upgrades can be used to enhance both combat and hacking skill, with the most memorable being the ability to control cars remotely, label an enemy as a snitch so a rival gang shows up to wipe them out, or straight-up call 911 on them.
There's nothing quite like camping outside a fortress, calling in both a gang strike and the cops, then sneaking around while the three sides blow the living Hell out of each other. It's hilarious and basically the game at its finest.