Watch Dogs: 5 Reasons It Could Be Game Of The Year

2. Fresh And Interesting Missions

Watch Dogs' campaign mode lies in a thick black fog of secrecy, with only the smallest details being drip-fed to us - all we know is that it involves main character Aidan becoming obsessed with surveillance after something happens to his family - and of course, you know the rest. While we don't know what the story will entail, the idea of sandbox hacking missions is very exciting indeed. Ubisoft have always been great at letting the player complete the level in their own way - and with hacking thrown into the mix, there's some pretty creative ways that missions can be done. Infiltrating a facility? You could employ plenty of distractions to sneak your way through undetected, or blaze your way through flipping solar panels up as cover, or use your surroundings to kill some poor goons in some gruesome yet strangely amusing ways (if there's somehow a way to kill someone by dropping an anvil on their head, I'll be a very happy gamer). This variety of ways to complete missions not only makes completion more satisfying, but rewards replays. And with the inevitable armfuls of side-quests and hard-as-all-hell optional objectives, that 100% could be a little more fun to reach.
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Watch Dogs
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British writerer who enjoys comic-book movies, Doctor Who and games I'm too incompetent to play. And a lot of other things.