What Every Monster Hunter World Player Thinks Of Every Monster Hunter World Boss

11. Bazelgeuse

Monster Hunter World Paolumu

You know you're in trouble when this music begins to play, heralding in Bazelgeuse, the terror that flaps in the skies of every region.

Bazelgeuse is widely considered to be one of the most annoying monsters. It'srock hard and loves to interrupt you during other boss fights. Packed full of volatile mines that have a huge blast radius, it's the perfect ambush predator.

Bazelgeuse was the original horror movie villain of Monster Hunter: World, well that was until the reintroduction of "The Pickle".

So notorious is Bazelgeuse, it became for at least a few people in the Monster Hunter Reddit community, a source of PTSD. If you're a newer hunter and you hear the music, just run away.


David Irwin hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.