What Your Favourite Super Mario Bros Game Says About You

Super Mario RPG

The Game: This game is famous for many reasons. To begin with it didn't get a European release ever on the Super Nintendo, and those of us cursed to be called British had to wait until it finally saw light of day on the Wii's Virtual Console. It was also the last time SquareSoft worked with Nintendo before their massive bust up which saw the Final Fantasy series calling the PlayStation its new home. Nintendo's decision to keep their console strictly on cartridge meant the ambitious Final Fantasy 7 game had to find its way to a console with CDs as its storage option. The most important thing that the game is famous for of course is that it is a bloody good game. The game had graphics which were only bettered on Super NES by the Donkey Kong Country series, and its game play was even better. The way the traditional RPG traits were effortlessly blended with the items, power ups and characters of the Super Mario universe was hugely impressive, and whilst the game may not have been as rock hard as some of the Final Fantasy games the game proved to be more than just an entry level RPG. What It Says About You: You like Mario games, and have played a few, but come up Mario is for kids., Real gamers who aren't these gun toting fools know that a true gaming experience for the intelligent amongst us can only be had from a good JRPG. This game amuses you and really is a guilty pleasure to return to once a year after you've slogged through Shining Force 3 and before you once again tackle Chrono Trigger. For you this game is the equivalent of half term, or to make it sound more hardcore...it is the equivalent of leave before returning to war! Soundbite: I always wanted to see Mario level up, not power up, level up. Favourite Non Mario Games: Final Fantasy 1, Final Fantasy 2, Final Fantasy 3, Final...well all of them but 13 basically.
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Super Mario
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Hello! My name is David Pustansky. As well as writing for this site, I'm also an actor, presenter, writer, director and artist. So basically I love creative things where there's a story to be told. I run my own theatre company, The ImProDigies. Be sure to check our shows out. As I'm sure you'll see from my articles I often look into things with a unique and quirky perspective and have a strange attention to sometimes strange details. Enjoy!