What Your Favourite Super Mario Bros Game Says About You

New Super Mario Bros U

Super-Mario-Bros-Wii-UThe Game: Almost every Nintendo system ever has launched with a brand new Super Mario game. The GameCube didn't and many people pointed to this fact as the bad omen that lead to its failure to compete with PS2 and struggle against the original Xbox. Then the Wii also launched Marioless and smashed all the sales records imaginable (except the ones it didn't of course, but I'm not speaking literally) People could point to this as a fluke, especially considering that the Nintendo 3DS had the slow start that it did and didn't really pick up steam until the double whammy of Super Mario 3D Land and Mario Kart 7. Not willing to take a chance Nintendo declared that they had learned from the weak launch line up of the 3DS and that the Wii U would have a strong lunch line up headlined by a brand new Mario platformer. And of course as we all now know the Wii U has struggled just as much as the 3DS Mario or not. What does all this tell us? I'm not sure... I guess Mario sells sometimes...and others times he doesn't... Maybe part of the reason Mario failed to move the console in this instance was because despite his shiny new HD form this 'New' Mario game doesn't add much to the formula from the old 'New Super Mario Bros' games that we've been playing on our Nintendo DS, Wii and 3DS for a few years. The game is great and Mario fanatics, who I'm sure are probably the people mainly reading this article, will love it. Casual fans however will look at New Super Mario Bros U and think 'Been there, done that, got the flat cap.' What It Says About You: You are a true Nintendo faithful. Never mind Mario, we all know he has had better games, this is about Nintendo. You will rave on about this game until you as blue in the face as the DVD boxes Wii U games come in. The reason you do it, is because other then Zombi U this is the only game you can point to as a reason to buy Nintendo's misunderstood box of magic and tablet of sorcery. You know the more you can do to convince the public to buy a Wii U for this game the better the odds are on you being able to play Modern Warfare 4 this Christmas. Soundbite: Yeah it€™s more of the same, but who would normally complain about having too much money or not want another Ferrero Rocher? Favourite Non Mario Games: Rayman Origins, Donkey Kong Country Returns, Sonic Generations.
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Hello! My name is David Pustansky. As well as writing for this site, I'm also an actor, presenter, writer, director and artist. So basically I love creative things where there's a story to be told. I run my own theatre company, The ImProDigies. Be sure to check our shows out. As I'm sure you'll see from my articles I often look into things with a unique and quirky perspective and have a strange attention to sometimes strange details. Enjoy!