Generating and buying into the hype for a game can be a particularly devastating double-edged sword if that same blade is used against you in the end. Take a look at Watch Dogs - a game so long in development it went through so many different versions that the final product looked very different to what was originally shown a couple of years prior. On the one hand the very polarising opinions that came out of the final release put people in two very distinct 'for' and 'against' camps, something that can often lead to a cult success overall if the game itself still has charm. In Watch Dogs' case though after it had emerged that the original state of the game's graphics were 'hidden' within the code on the disc, all fingers pointing at opposing sides were suddenly unanimously aimed at Ubisoft. The flip-side to all of this is far rarer, but as we've seen with games like Grand Theft Auto - or Rockstar's output in general - as well Naughty Dog's crowning gaming achievement The Last of Us, if you can capitalise on a huge wave of hype by delivering far beyond the trailers, the entire process gets etched into gaming legend. We've recently taken a look at some of the most offensively bad endings to games, but which titles were just not what you were expecting right from the get-go? In an age of quick-looks and multiple pre-release trailers that should give you an idea of what you're buying into, what have you then gone on to buy only to be left utterly deflated?