Why Assassin's Creed: Black Flag Is The Best Assassin's Creed

1. The World

One of the biggest criticisms aimed at Assassin's Creed III was its world. The streets of Boston and New York soon felt a bit too samey for players, and the huge open wilderness of the frontier definitely didn't work out.

Whilst the vast open worlds of the franchise have always been a Ubisoft strong point, Black Flag really pushed the boat out in creating a world that really felt like a world ripe for exploring. The freedom that naval navigation allowed for meant that the game's developers could take the time to spread Black Flag's collection of Carribean islands around a little bit more.

From the tiny coves and deserted islands, the sprawling jungles and ancient temples, to the vibrant and varied cities of Nassau, Kingston and Havana, there's a real nice structure to how Black Flag's world is built up. The northern parts of the map contain smaller ships, calmer seas and most story missions, whilst the south is where the most skilled of pirates venture for heavier ships and bigger rewards.

No other game in the Assassin's Creed franchise has had the ambition to create a world with the scale and exploration value of Black Flag's.

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