Why Insomniac's Spider-Man Is Short Of Amazing

1. Nothing Makes It The Definitive Spider-Man

Spider Man Vintage
Insomniac Games

As good as Insomniac’s Spider-Man is, nothing about its portrayal of heroes Peter Parker, MJ, and Miles Morales, or its many villains makes it stand out as one of the better Spider-Man stories.

Peter being a scientist rather than Daily Bugle photographer is neat but nothing groundbreaking, MJ is feisty, brave and smart, but there’s been better adaptations of her character along with other superior love-interests like Gwen Stacy, and for those unaware of who Miles is, he just comes across as Peter’s eerily similar copycat.

Now, Mister Negative is memorable as he’s one of Spider-Man’s lesser known antagonists, but Rhino, Vulture, Electro and Scorpion are wasted escapees who all make glorified cameos, and the friendship between Ock and Peter is a predictable character dynamic done better before.

Spider-Man does have endearing moments along with a particularly sad passing, but its story and characters are nothing new, and none of the performances make it one of the definitive Spider-Man stories that fans need to know.

Still, with Insomniac’s first go at the web-slinger being all about building a solid foundation, its sequel will surely be the riskier and more memorable masterpiece everybody now knows 2016's Ratchet And Clank to be.

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