Why There's Been No Batman: Arkham For Three Years

3. An Ill-Fated Suicide Squad Game

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Warner Bros.

Those who stuck with Arkham Origins through to its ending will know that the game teased a sequel involving the Suicide Squad. CCH Pounder even reprised her role as Amanda Waller from the Justice League animated series, recruiting the newly incarcerated Slade Wilson for Task Force X.

But though players had presumed that the Squad would be the eventual antagonists for Bats to face off against in a sequel, perhaps in light of Batman: Assault on Arkham (the first and so far only cinematic Arkham spin-off), talk from Montreal's camp indicated otherwise. In a 2016 report from Kotaku's Jason Schreier, it was revealed that Montreal had been working on an actual Suicide Squad game, which would've had players assume the role of Deathstroke. (Fans will also remember that Slade Wilson was playable in Origins' Challenge Maps.)

More interesting, perhaps, was that the title was said to have a Co-Op focus. Origins itself did of course feature an online component where Batman and Robin took on the opposing forces of Joker and Bane, but that was developed by Splash Damage, and their last project was Gears of War 4's multiplayer.

Either way, little is known about the project apart from the fact Warner Bros. were left unconvinced by the studio's pitches. It's also unclear as to whether or not this was the same Suicide Squad game Geoff Johns spoke of a few years back (a title featuring DC's Dirty Dozen did release in 2016), but either way, it looks as though this was the game Montreal moved on to after Origins, and that it was killed off sometime after their work concluded on Arkham Knight's Matter of Family DLC.

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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.