Wii U: 7 Reasons It's Already Won The Next-Gen Battle

2. A Unique Online Experience

It's safe to say Nintendo have never given online gaming the most respect. The friend codes and usb connector were a complete disaster compared to the excellent service Microsoft created with Live. It was a bigger failing for the Wii than a lack of third party titles, which is saying something indeed. People want easy, direct access when it comes to gaming over the Internet. They want to chat and text, create a party and head straight into a game, no fuss. After years of ignoring the problem, Nintendo have finally come out all guns blazing and created a unique social environment called Miiverse, a fully integrated online service that connects you to friends and fellow players. You can communicate in real time, send messages and even get tips for a level you are stuck on. It features an innovative interface with Facebook and Twitter-like posts and drawings. Tvii will simplify the use of online streaming services like Netflix and Hulu and if that's not enough to show Nintendo are serious about online, how about seamless video chat, save data transfers and competitive game play with your friends? Did I forget to mention it's launching day 1 and completely free?

Barry O' Halloran has been a whatculture writer for the last two years and having recently graduated, now plans on writing about games & movies until his hands fall off. Follow him on twitter!