Wii U Launch: 6 Franchises That Should Have Been Included

4. Pokemon

Pokemon is possibly one of the biggest gaming franchises of all time, and is a key factor in the continued success of Nintendo€™s handheld consoles. This alone should be enough to warrant having a Pokemon game in the Wii U€™s launch list, but here€™s a few more reasons why it would make such a great launch title. Firstly, a Pokemon game would offer one of the most obvious options for integrating the Wii U with the 3DS, allowing players€™ progress in their handheld Pokemon games to have an effect on their consoles. Being able to catch a pokemon on your 3DS, and then transfer it into your Wii U inventory would not only be an awesome feature, but it would also encourage more people to invest in both consoles and use them together. Secondly, the Wii U€™s high processing power and HD graphics would enable players to see their pokemon in completely new levels of detail. Attacks would be dazzling and animations better than ever before. A new console game would give Nintendo the opportunity to revolutionise their franchises; in the case of Pokemon they could make the game world bigger than ever before, featuring all of the regions from previous games. This would create a truly epic experience, and would be a great way to get Pokemon fans excited about the Wii U launch.

History student, aspiring author, lover of all things videogame and movie related, dislikes goat's cheese. Constantly trying not to be Mark Corrigan from Peep Show. Also has Twitter: @AlexHBrookes