The Witcher 2: 15 Reasons It's A Hidden Masterpiece You've Ignored

10. Fun, Diverse Side Quests

A staple of the RPG genre of video games is the side quests. Side quests open the world up by providing the player with things to do outside of the main narrative. They explore other aspects of the mythology that otherwise would have been ignored within the plot. Sure, they derail the pace of the story a bit if you overindulge, but they are always worth it, sometimes being even more interesting than the main plot itself. The Witcher 2 is no different, and the side quests are diverse and fun. They range from entering an lighthearted arm wrestling contest to investigating a mysterious murder. Even better, they are subtly woven into the world. No random strangers asking for your help or obvious signposting. You could easily skip a great deal of them without knowing; it is up to you to explore the world and come across them yourself. Even better, there is just enough of them to lengthen the game without overwhelming the player. While many games create a clear distinction between main and side quests, The Witcher 2 does a great job integrating the two so as to create a cohesive experience.
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Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.