The Witcher 2: 15 Reasons It's A Hidden Masterpiece You've Ignored

9. It Feels Like A Novel

One of the most unique aspects of The Witcher 2 is how un-videogamey it feels. It is hard to accurately describe why this is, but when playing it one gets the feeling that you are playing a novel. No doubt part of the reason this is the case is that the game series is actually based on a series of novels by Polish author Andrzej Sapkowski. Even if you haven't read them, you get the sense that they do a fantastic job translating this fiction to this medium. Much of the novel-esque feeling comes from the top-notch writing. It is incredibly nuanced and complex, with much of the plot focusing on political intrigue and interpersonal relationships. It€™s not just an action-packed hack n€™ slash game with the occasional break for story; there are an incredible amount of characters, factions, and kingdoms to keep up with, all with their own backstories and motivations. Playing the game is really the only way to really understand what I mean, but the way The Witcher 2 tells its story doesn€™t feel like most games, even within the RPG genre. You really must experience it for yourself.
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The Witcher
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Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.