Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus - 5 Reasons To Get Excited 

3. BJ "Terror Billy" Blazkowicz

Wolfenstein Ii 2

In Wolfenstein II, you will play as protagonist, BJ Blazkowicz, an old school macho American man who has been at the center of the Wolfenstein franchise for decades.

At the time of The New Colossus’ setting, BJ is already an established foe of Nazi Germany, being hunted by the disfigured Nazi woman, Frau Engel. The Nazi wants him and his allies dead, and it is up to you to keep them alive and press towards revolt.

These allies range from BJ's love interest Anya, to a mentally disabled man with a big heart named Max, to a Jewish man who has brought tremendous technology to his brothers in arms.

BJ’s prior exploits against Nazi Germany have led to him being labeled somewhat derogatorily, “Terror Billy,” by the Nazi controlled press. This has landed him with a large target on his back as the German regime tries desperately to bring about his final demise.

Despite the Nazi propaganda, Blazkowicz must continue his fight against the Nazis, no matter how many stand in his way. You must take control of Blazkowicz for a second time and shoot and stab your way to total victory over the despicable, evil regime headquartered in Berlin.


Ryan Geller is a freelance journalist who writes news, politics, gaming, and more. He is dedicated to the goal of unbiased journalism and independent thinking.