Wonder Woman: Circle Of Light - 12 Leaked Details You're Not Supposed To Know

1. It'll Release October 8th 2019

Wonder Woman First Appearance
DC Comics

This is where things potentially get even more interesting. According to the leak, Wonder Woman: Circle of Light will release October 8th 2019, which is less than a year away and would almost certainly hint that we could have a couple of back-to-back DC video games over the next few years, with Montreal's other Batman game most definitely in production, and Rocksteady almost certainly working on something DC-related.

But why October? Well, it's a simple fact that most Triple-A games tend to release towards the third financial quarter, with autumn the busiest period of all. However, what's even better about this date is the fact it pays homage to Wonder Woman's first ever appearance, with All Star Comics #8 having been published in the October of 1941.

Only time will tell if this rumour comes true, but, out of all the potential Arkham-related projects that've been rumoured over the last few years, a Wonder Woman game sounds the most exciting by far.

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Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.