World of Warcraft: 6 Scary Things Blizzard Don’t Like to Talk About

2. WoW Gold for €˜Favours€™

Prostitution is a dark concept; it€™s also the world€™s oldest profession. There is no way for a woman to get what she wants out of a horny male quicker than by dropping her drawers in front him. Still, to get to these levels of depravity, a woman would have to be victim of underlying circumstances €“ extreme debt, or of course, addiction. In a posting on Craigslist in 2007 a woman (she apparently kept her real name a secret, for obvious reasons) offered her own body out in return for the 5000 Gold needed to her to get her epic flying mount. In the original post, she posed that if someone were to give her the 5k Gold needed to purchase this mount, then the benefactor could €˜mount€™ her. Of course her ad stated that whoever wanted to make this seediest of transactions would have to send a picture so that she could evaluate her perspective punter. What€™s most depressing about this idea is that I genuinely don€™t think she realised that this was prostitution. I think she probably just thought that she could get laid and get the gold she needed at the same time and that everyone would be a winner. There are, unfortunately, no winners in this situation (even though according to a response to the overwhelming criticism she received for her ad, she got what she €˜wanted€™), and suffice to say Blizzard weren€™t happy about the PR shit-storm that it inevitably caused.

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.