World Of Warcraft: 5 Facts That Will Blow Your Mind

4. You Can Play Bejewelled And Peggle Inside The Game

For many end-game players, it's common to spend around half of the logged playing time just waiting around for various battleground and dungeon queues. The traditional way to overcome the tedium of these long waits was always to mess about, chatting to your guildy friends while showing off your latest epic mount in one of Azeroth's capital cities. Ever the opportunists, casual game development gods Popcap Games saw this as an ideal gap in the market. Teaming up with Blizzard, Popcap made two of their most popular games, Peggle and Bejewelled, available through the installation of an in-game World of Warcraft addon. It wasn't just a quick, messy job either. World of Warcraft Peggle featured ten brand new levels, each with their own background art created by Blizzard artists. The add-on links to a free demo of the full Peggle game and a ten-day trial of World of Warcraft upon completion, making it a great example of two companies working together in symbiosis. It's incredible that a game can become so big that another company can look at it as just another demographic to target. Regardless of how cynical placing two highly addictive games within an MMO already known for it's ability to hook players may be, many were grateful for the added distraction. As if World of Warcraft devotees need any more of those.

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