WWE 13 Hands On Review: 10 Reasons Why It's Awesome

5. Dynamic Camera

Camera play is one of the huge aspects of live WWE broadcasts; we get so caught up when we watch, it€™s easy to forget that an extremely skilled director is sitting somewhere in the back picking which shot to cut to and when. WWE 12€™s inclusion of a dynamic camera system that emulated this shot choice as the action happened is undoubtedly one of the factors in its critical acclaim. Well, there€™s even more of that WWE 13. It felt like nearly every time I performed a move, the camera would cut somewhere, whether that be to a close up or to a super wide shot; and if I€™d landed a finisher I€™d sometimes be awarded with more than one. And of course that goes doubly so for the Spectacular Moments system, making each moment you manage to pull out of the bag that much more spectacular. Yuke€™s have really gone for a fully immersive WWE experience in this one and the recent emphasis on broadcast realism with WWE 12 is only brought closer to fruition through their further improvements on the dynamic camera.
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Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.