WWE 13 Hands On Review: 10 Reasons Why It's Awesome

4. Superheavyweights Finally Have Their Own Skeletons

In previous WWE games, superheavyweights€™ character models had the same skeletons as the smaller wrestlers, albeit elongated. This means that if you were playing as The Big Show, you were essentially playing as a stretched out John Cena wearing Big Show€™s skin (sounds like a hella-brutal finisher). In WWE 13, for the first time ever, this is no longer the case. The superheavyweight class are now built on their own unique skeletal structure which is larger, wider and bulkier than the other weight classes. It might not seem like a massive deal, but now when you take Big Show or Mark Henry into battle they just feel heavier, they tower over their competitors and when they hit the mat, they hit it hard. When you see them stood next to a smaller opponent, you€™ll fully understand. Yuke€™s have given the Superheavyweights some pretty special attention for WWE 13 and for those who like to take control of the powerhouses, you€™re in for a serious treat. But be careful; the bigger they are the harder they fall.
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Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.