WWE 2K14: 10 Dream Matches You Must Play Immediately

1. John Cena Vs Steve Austin

Steve Austin And finally we come to the main event - the face of the PG Era against the undisputed face of the Attitude Era. That question of which age was superior is one that continues to ring out among fans in perpetuity, so having an answer, even in digital, fantasy form is a huge bonus. Last year, ahead of the release of the excellent WWE '13, Stone Cold was interviewed by WWE.com and spoke of Cena's chances of making it back in the Attitude Era - his comments were both reductive and full of praise for the man some see as his modern counterpart. Austin basically suggested that Cena is wasted, and that he would be better suited to channeling the fire within him if he was in the ring with the right people - suggesting himself as one of those "right people" in the process:
"All he needs is to be poked and prodded in the right way. I think John Cena has a hell of a lot of fire and he needs to be in the ring with the right opponent, or the right cat, to bring that out. So in the current environment, you really don't see that in him. Place back 10 years in the ring with 'Stone Cold'? You'd have rung the cash register, big time."
That doesn't give an insight into who would triumph, but the opportunity to see the Rattlesnake facing Cena again (as he did in Baghdad) is a huge draw for this WWE game, as it is every time the roster includes both stars. Who Should Win? Austin Again, with Austin it comes down to what he is willing to do to win, and there seems to be some bristling desire there to get his hands on Cena, possibly because Cena seems intent on toppling Austin as the king of bad post-WWE movies. Did we miss any WWE fantasy match-ups that you will be lining up as soon as you play WWE 2K14? Share your own picks below in the comments thread.
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