WWE 2K14's Universe Mode & Creation Suite Revealed

Other Information/Random Thoughts

Wwe2k148 14610You can now save custom attires through the edit superstar screen in Universe. They can also be set to "random", so if you want to be surprised every week, you can. King of the Ring PPV theme has been added to Universe, as well as other PPV themes such as Endurance and No Man's Land (different types of cage matches). You can now make the Diva's title a Major title, plus have an all Diva's show. There can now be a total of either 5 or 7 matches on a main show, or 3, 5 or 7 matches for a minor show. The menu design is very clean and organized. Player models look great. The NXT championship made it in the game. Gameplay looks polished. Regarding gameplay, I'm a big gameplay guy and to me WWE 13's gameplay felt very stale. The AI always tried to go for the OMG! finishers instead of just performing their normal finishers and never really put up a fight---even on the highest difficulty. However, after looking at the matches shown to us in this live stream, I am extremely optimistic about gameplay in 2K14. The CPU reversing your moves into another move already proves to be a great addition to match pacing. The AI never went to the announce table, (it seems like we will get the total other end of the spectrum here where the AI won't use OMG! finishers at all, but I'll gladly take that over the AI going to the announce table every match) and seemed to put up a challenge on almost every match. Let's also keep in mind this was the developer playing the CPU on NORMAL difficulty, and the AI still put up a bit of a fight (and almost won in the Cena vs. Rock match, which also showcased a CPU kick out at 2). Of course, the hardcore players will probably still have to use sliders (stay on the look-out once 2K14 comes out, as I will post my settings and attribute changes on this site) to get the full effect of these changes, but at least we won't have to use a ton of house rules just to lose a match once and a while. Universe Mode looks great this year, and any wrestling fan/wrestling video game fan should be very excited about these additions. If you haven't already done it and have some time to waste, go check out the link on the first page that takes you to the live stream---it's always good to see the changes for yourself! Now click next as we take a look at the Creation Suite;
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It's all about The U!! Huge Miami Hurricanes fan and avid WWE viewer. I'm here to bring you WWE opinions/news as well as some gaming and sports content. Also trying to get some positive credibility back in the "IWC". Favorite sports teams: NFL: Chicago Bears MLB: New York Yankees NCAA: Miami Hurricanes Favorite athletes: -Devin Hester, Jon Jay, Dolph Ziggler