WWE 2K15: 10 Awesome Features We Expect To See

8. Career Mode

One of the most absent and also most-requested modes in some time, Career Mode has been edged out in recent years by modes such as Universe Mode and 30 Years of WrestleMania. Yuke's wrongly believe that players would rather relive the glory days than forge their own destiny, either by taking a wrestler of their choice or a CAW from the bottom of the ladder, all the way to the top. It's an incredibly basic feature that was common in many of the earlier WWE games, and it's always been popular, so why not bring it back? Have us start out in territories like NXT, then work our way up to appearing on Raw or Smackdown, before ultimately getting to WrestleMania and winning the title. Unlike a lot of fans, I'm not too bothered about having every wrestler record voiceovers for a career, because it just makes the development too complicated and also imposes a limit on what the wrestlers can get up to. Plus, not all of the wrestlers are great on the mic, so it would result in some cringe-inducingly awful dialogues we'd have to sit through.
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WWE 2K15
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.