WWE 2K16: 10 Crippling Gameplay Issues That Must Be Fixed

3. Counter Prompts Are Way Too Misleading

Have you ever come across a game that throws up a prompt on the screen, only for you to respond and it go "Ahhh just kidding! Fooled ya!"? Probbaly not, but that's exactly what 2K16 does, and although you can definitely get pretty adept at telegraphing exactly when you need to stab the button, you'll lose out far more than not getting it right. See, the way it's implemented is down to the prompt itself denoting a window of time where - somewhere within that window, who knows when - you'll need to hit the button. How do you figure that out and truly get better at the game? Well, you slowly learn all the animations, one by one, until you know precisely when the button could be hit - ignoring the actual icon itself as any indication of what to do. Feels a bit off, doesn't it? Losing a match because you're locked in a spate of watching for R2/RT and praying you can turn the tables on your opponent doesn't feel good - it feels like you're getting your derriere handed to you by the game engine, rather than who you're actually fighting. How to fix it: Make every counter icon only appear when it matters most, like the diving, green and red prompts, or extend the timing window to guarantee hitting the button will actually do something every time. After all, what's the point of rationing out your counters in the first place, if they're completely unreliable when you need them?
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