WWE 2K16: 10 Reasons It Must Give Divas A Chance

1. Status And Royalties For The WWE Divas

WWE is all about perception. Simply by having a more prominent feature of divas in 2K16, it sends out an overall message that the women in WWE are important. That in turn helps the divas as they go about their business on television, as it raises the general profile of their division. Think about it, would Ronda Rousey ever be hidden away in a UFC computer game? No, she's a central part and top star. That's how the WWE girls should be represented in the WWE video games, as top stars that fans should aspire to play as. There's also a monetary aspect to all of this. By featuring in 2K16, the divas earn more royalties. Being in the game is an issue of equality to the earning power of their male peers. The challenge for 2K16 is to get all of the divas in, including NXT's female roster, and have specific diva story modes. Better graphics and gameplay are also a must, some of the 2K15 divas didn't at all resemble their real life faces. The half baked diva representation in 2K15 won't do, 2K must #GiveDivasAChance in WWE 2K16.
WWE Writer

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