WWE 2K16: 10 Simple Fixes That Would Make It Awesome

10. The Crowd

While the crowd in WWE 2K16 is definitely an improvement, they're still nowhere near the level they should be to faithfully recreate the WWE experience. During entrances, their pops come at all the wrong times, making this game feel more like SmackDown - where artificial crowd noise is added in after it's shot - than the Raw after WrestleMania that it should be. Cheers during matches are another issue. While the occasional chant will break out, those are few and far between, and often nowhere near loud enough to stand out from the generic crowd noise which plays throughout. It really can't be all that hard for the 2K Games to add certain chants to matches can it? If so, why not go to an actual WWE Live event and record actual chants from the audience to really add some much needed authenticity to proceedings? Without a realistic crowd, WWE 2K16 still feels like just a video game rather than a release which makes you feel like you're the one stepping into the squared circle. Having the crowd really come alive during matches would have upped the realism and excitement levels, and the fact that such little work has gone into enhancing this aspect of the game just feels lazy.

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